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24 Oktober 2024
24 Oktober 2024

Company Information & Policies

Detailed information about the business including company-wide policies, accreditations and answers to common questions that may be of use if you're in the process of assessing Canford as a potential supplier.

General Company Information

Canford Audio Limited

Registered company number 01385727
Date of registration 1st November 1978
Address Elliott House, Crowther Road, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE38 0BW
VAT registration number GB 660116371
DUNS number 213256944
Ownership Employee Ownership Trust (EOT)

Nature of business Design, manufacturing, stocking, supply and servicing of professional audio and video products. Provision and servicing of audio interview equipment and software. Distributing to audio/video/broadcast and other industries. Canford only supplies product and is not involved in service based provision.

Canford Group Ltd (parent company)

Company number 03154977
Address Crowther Road, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE38 0BW
DUNS number 494927601

Canford Manufacturing Ltd (subsidiary company)

Company number 03155663
Address 1 Cliff Way, Portland, Dorset, DT5 2NH
DUNS number 494934425

Canford Audio S.A.R.L (subsidiary company)

Company number (Siret) 348 714 544 00031
Address 2, Rue de l'Expansion, 67150 Erstein, Strasbourg, France
TVA registration number FR 02 348 714 544

Contact Information

Administration and Finance

Telephone 0191 418 1000

UK Sales

Telephone 0191 418 1122

International Sales

Telephone 0191 418 1133

Company Structure

Canford Audio Ltd is an SME, meet the team here:

Authorised representative within the EU

Canford Audio S.A.R.L.

Financial & Administrative Information 2

Annual accounts (filed) Available for download from Companies House:

Turnover in last financial year £19.3M

Insurance indemnity levels Employers' liability min £5M, limit £10M each and every claim
Canford Employers Liability Insurance Certificate.pdf
Excess employers' liability £15M in excess of £10M each and every claim
Public liability limit £5M each and every claim
Products liability limit £5M in the aggregate
Professional liability not applicable
Canford Confirmation of Insurance Letter.pdf

Bidding model Canford Audio will always be the Prime Contractor, supplying 100% of contract deliverables.


Number of employees (full time equivalent) 125

Youngest recruitment age for employees 16. Developing young people through apprentice schemes is a key part of our ethos.
Working hours per week for employees Average is 37.5. There is no formal maximum per week as we operate a very flexible flexitime system
Remuneration levels All meet or exceed minimum statutory earnings
Freedom of association & right to collective bargaining The company is currently non-unionised

Import/Export Operations

Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number

Canford Audio Limited (UK) GB660116371000
Canford Audio Limited (NI) XI660116371000
Canford Audio Limited (FR) FRGB891190852

Corporate Policies 4

Ethics policy

Canford's strong commitment to ethical behaviour is to operate our business with a zero-tolerance standard for ethical breaches. Our ethics policy is designed to provide guidance as to what practices are appropriate for Canford employees. It delineates how we will treat each other with dignity and respect, and it encourages us to be a steward of our company culture. Our continued success and growth depends on our employees acting with the utmost integrity. See policy in documents section.

Canford Ethics Policy.pdf

Modern Slavery Act 2015

Canford is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking occurring in any of its corporate activities, as well as seeking to ensure that our supply chains are also free from such practices. Due to the size of our business and annual turnover, we are not required to produce a slavery and human trafficking statement. However, our Purchasing team have vigorous supplier checks in place and all staff are encouraged (via our internal procedures) to report any concerns. However, our Purchasing team have vigorous supplier checks in place and all staff are encouraged (via our internal procedures) to report any concerns.

Canford Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.pdf

Bribery Act 2010

Canford Audio PLC is committed to operating with honesty and integrity, ensuring compliance with the laws of the countries in which it operates. Canford does not support or condone bribery or any other form of corruption and will take all reasonable steps to deter corrupt practices. See statement in documents section.

Canford Anti Bribery and Corruption Statement.pdf

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Canford has a comprehensive Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity plan in place. This identifies risks that could impact the continuity of the business, a group of select employees to form a Disaster Recovery team, along with a recovery action plan to resume essential business operations. The Disaster Recovery Plan (DRT) is updated yearly or any time a major system update or upgrade takes place.

Canford Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan.pdf

Environment 5

Environmental policy

Canford recognises that the day-to-day operations can impact both directly and indirectly on the environment. We aim to protect and improve the environment through good management and by adopting best practice wherever possible. We will work to integrate environmental considerations into our business decisions and adopt greener alternatives wherever possible, throughout our operations.

Canford Environmental Policy Statement.pdf

Packaging waste and recycling policy

Canford fulfils its obligations under Packaging & Packaging Waste Directive (94/62/EC – “The Packaging Directive” through the UK Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003 No 1941) as amended by Regulations SI 2004 No 1188, SI 2006 No 1492, SI 2009 No 1504 and SI 2013 No 2212. Canford have operated a “maximum packaging re-use” policy for at least 10 years. This optimises environmental impact by minimising the amount of recycling. The first choice for customer order packing is “second trip” optimal size boxes and void fill. All incoming material that is in a clean and sound state is re-used, not recycled. See Packaging waste and recycling policy in documents section.

Canford Packaging Waste and Recycling Policy.pdf

WEEE (Waste Electronic Equipment)

Canford WEEE Statement.pdf

Batteries Recycling Producer Registration Number


Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS)

Canford RoHS Regulations Statement.pdf

Compliance with the EU regulations on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

Canford does not manufacture or import, to the best of its knowledge and belief, any materials which would cause us to become registrants under the Regulations. Neither does Canford manufacture or distribute any articles which are designed to release substances, particularly substances of very high concern (SVHCs), as defined in the REACH Regulations, in normal use and in normal operating conditions. Currently, to the best of our knowledge, no substances in Canford supplied products are listed under the latest restriction provisions of REACH annex XVII, based on information provided by suppliers.

Canford REACH Statement.pdf

Data Protection Policies 1

Data processing (including processing personal data and information outside of the UK)

In light of the recent European Court of Justice concerning the Privacy Shield - (Shrems 11 case) and current EU-Exit data flow considerations, Canford neither collects, stores, processes, generates or shares any information or data which has intrinsic value to it's customers or which would be required to conduct business outside of the UK. Canford does not process data other than in connections with its' own operations and does not use any Cloud services to store or process any customer data.

Canford GDPR Compliance Statement.pdf

HR Policies 4

Equality & Diversity policy

Canford provides diversity and equality to all in employment, irrespective of their gender, race, ethnic origin, disability, age, nationality, national origin, sexuality, religion or belief, marital status and social class. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. Canford is committed to equality and has implemented aims and processes to create a workforce that is diverse, promoting positivity, and instilling a can-do attitude in everyone, no matter their background or characteristics.

Canford Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf

Recruitment & Selection policy

Canford ensures that any recruitment and selection process results in no job applicant or employee receiving less favourable treatment because of a defined characteristic. Our objective is to ensure that individuals are selected, promoted and otherwise treated solely on the basis of their relevant aptitudes, skills and abilities. See policy in documents section

Canford Recruitment and Selection Policy.pdf

Training and development policy

Canford are fully committed to employee training and development to ensure that all staff contribute in meeting the needs and objectives of the business. We aim to continually identify training that will improve staff effectiveness, whilst also enhancing business performance.

Canford Training and Development Policy.pdf

Health and Safety policy

Canford recognises that it has a legal duty of care towards protecting the health and safety of its employees and others who may be affected by the company’s activities, and that managing health and safety is a business critical function. Risk assessments are regularly carried out and reviewed to identify proportionate and practical solutions to reducing risk. See policy in documents section

Canford Health and Safety Policy Statement.pdf

Quality (BS EN ISO9001:2015) 2


An external audit is carried out every six months by SGS, an IRCA and UKAS registered verification company. See certificate:

Canford ISO9001 Certificate.pdf

Quality Policy

Canford Audio Limited assesses customer needs to understand their requirements and to provide service and products tailored to their needs in:

Design, manufacture, stocking, supply and servicing of professional audio and video data products.

Provision and servicing of audio interview equipment and software.

Distributing to audio/video/broadcast and other industries.

Canford Quality Policy.pdf

Supply Chain & Procurement Operations

Sources of supply - direct from manufacturers, distribution companies and other brokers/traders.

Due diligence process undertaken when selecting suppliers - credit checks, supplier questionnaires, and visits to supplier sites if applicable.

Monitoring the performance of the supply chain - supplier evaluation every 3 months based on delivery and product quality performance.

Processes and / or procedures utilised when a supplier is not performing? - root cause analysis, discussion with supplier to resolve, with the last resort being to move the business.

Procedures to control revision level of product - change control is managed under the Quality System and covers all changes that affect the product i.e. material/design/process and manufacturer change.

Standards & Accreditations

BS EN ISO9001 - Quality System

ISO 9001:2015 - see Quality Policy section

BS EN ISO14001 – Environmental System

Not held but see Canford Environmental Policy in Environment section above

BS EN ISO27001 – Information Security

Not held but see Canford Information Security Policy in Data Protection section above.

BS EN ISO22301 – Business Continuity System

Not held but see Canford Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Policy in Corporate Policies section above

BS EN ISO45001 – Occupational Health & Safety

Not held but see Canford Health and Safety Policy Statement in HR section above

BS EN ISO 13485 - Medical Devices

Not applicable


Not applicable

AS6081 Anti-counterfeiting standard

Not held

Environment Agency registration (WEEE)

Registered with Beyondly (Membership Number BLY01/01449). Registration Number WEE/KG 0116XU

Membership of Professional bodies & Associations

North East Chamber of Commerce

Public Sector Procurement Exclusions

Any grounds for mandatory exclusion in Public Sector procurements, including evidence of actions relating to bribery, corruption, conspiracy, terrorism, fraud, money laundering or breach of legal obligations to pay tax or social security obligations?


Any grounds for discretionary exclusion in Public Sector procurements including violation of applicable obligations referred to in the Public Contract Regulations 2015, bankruptcy, insolvency, competition distortion, grave professional misconduct, persistent deficiencies in the performance of a substantive requirement under a prior public contract, failure to declare any conflict of interest?


Enforcement / Health and Safety / Environmental Performance Record

Convictions from the Health & Safety Executive


Prohibition notices served on the company


Health & Safety actions / notices pending, including those reportable under RIDDOR


Convictions from the Environment Agency / SEPA


Environmental Agency or SEPA legal actions or notices pending


Political Legislation 1

Conflict Minerals Regulation

Applies to tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold. Relates to section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act 2010 (applicable in the USA only) and the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation 2017/821. The key operative provisions of the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation were not retained EU law after Brexit, and do not currently apply in Great Britain but do apply in Northern Ireland. Canford does not use any of these materials in their manufacturing operations.

Canford Conflict Minerals Policy Statement.pdf

Anything further?

If you're assessing Canford as a potential supplier and need information that isn't already contained here please contact Sales to discuss your requirements (may be conditional on the anticipated volume of future business).